Cajaput 50ml
Cajaput 50ml
The Latin name for Cajeput Essential Oil is Melaleuca Cajuputi, which is extracted through steam distillation from the leaves and twigs of the Cajeput tree found in Indonesia. This versatile essential oil has several uses and benefits.
Cajeput Essential Oil is known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, making it a powerful tool in fighting infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is often used to treat colds, headaches, and toothaches, providing quick relief from discomfort.
In addition, Cajeput Essential Oil is an excellent insect repellent, able to effectively control and eliminate insects such as mosquitoes and ants. It can be used topically or diffused in a vaporizer to keep pests away from living areas.
Cajeput Essential Oil is also a natural decongestant and expectorant, providing relief from respiratory congestion and coughing. This essential oil is analgesic in nature, meaning that it has pain-relieving properties that can reduce feelings of pain when applied locally. It is important to note that Cajeput Essential Oil should only be applied in highly-diluted solutions.
In summary, Cajeput Essential Oil is a versatile and beneficial essential oil that offers antiseptic, antimicrobial, insect repelling, respiratory relief, and pain-relieving properties. It is a great addition to any essential oil collection for those looking for a natural way to support their health and wellness.
50 g